Why Study in Canada from Nepal?

Canada is a first-world country with sophisticated modern infrastructure, pleasant people, and a beautiful natural landscape unlike any other.
With over 9.9 million square kilometers of territory, it is the world’s second-largest country, providing an astounding variety of things to do and places to explore. It’s also lush and green, with 10% of the world’s forest cover.
Without a question, Canada is a superb destination for an international study experience and a welcoming environment for individuals of all nationalities, having been continually placed in the top 10 nations to live in since 1994.


The Education System to study in Canada

Why Study in Canada from Nepal is a great choice?

Canada offers a world-class educational system that is taught in both English and French, the two most widely spoken languages in the world.
Student achievements are of the greatest quality due to its high GDP spending on education (ranked second among the G-8 countries). Canadian degrees, diplomas, and certifications are highly valued worldwide.
With a focus on technology, research, and innovation, you’ll interact with people living in a forward-thinking society while learning from some of Canada’s greatest brains at top universities.

How much money is required to study in Canada from Nepal?

It is a well-known fact that studying in Canada is far less expensive than studying in other popular study destinations. In reality, the government provides scholarships for Nepalese students to study in Canada.
Depending on the degree of study and the university, the total cost to study in Canada from Nepal for an undergraduate course is usually around CA$25,000 per year*. More expensive degrees, such as engineering and medical, can cost up to CA$28,000 per year on average. Furthermore, there are numerous scholarships available in Canada to apply for if you want to spend as little money as possible.

Want to know how much does it cost to study your favourite course in Canada? Fill in the form below and our expert counsellors will contact you to answer your queries.

Total cost to study in Canada

Study expenses in Canada for international students
Average fees in AUD*
Undergraduate courses
C$12,000 to 25,000 Per year
Postgraduate courses
C$18,000 to $27,000 Per year
PhD courses
C$7,000 to $18,000 Per year
Master of Business Administration Courses
C$32,000 to $45,000 Per year average
Total Cost to Study in Canada from Nepal -Accommodation
Expenses (approx)
C$8,000 – 10,000
Shared apartment
C$400 – 700
C$750 – 950
Cost of your student permit and visa
C$150 (approx)
Living expenses in Australia for international students
Weekly budget
approx. C$20 per month.
approx. C$250 – 350.
Personal Expenses
C$ 300 – 500
Health insurance
$600 and $900 per year

Visa requirements to study in Canada from Nepal

Your study visa is your ticket to studying at the greatest universities in Canada. The prerequisites for a study permit in Canada to obtain a Canada student visa are listed below.
You will need:

  • A letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in order to get a Canada Student Visa.
  • A valid passport or travel document is required.
  • Provide evidence that you can sustain yourself while in Canada.
  • Meet the requirements of the Nepal visa office.

Before you come to Canada, you must apply for a study permit.


Canada Health Insurance for International Students to study in Canada

In the provinces that do not provide Student Health Coverage, you are expected to acquire private insurance through institutions. If this is not an option, you can enroll in required health plans.
It is advantageous for international students to obtain Canada Health Insurance, which is known for its government-funded healthcare services. They are required to obtain and maintain Health Insurance while studying in Canada.
Certain provinces in Canada provide provincial health insurance to international students. This could be offered for free or at a price.


Best places to study in Canada from Nepal

Canada is becoming increasingly popular as a study location. Canada’s educational system is world-renowned. You will immediately earn global renown if you study here.
Furthermore, the statement “Canadians are extremely friendly” is not a fallacy. Consider the fact that Canada has constantly been named in the top ten countries to live in since 1994.
Apart from schooling, there is a lot one may do in Canada, which is known for its culture and pleasant environment. The panoramic grandeur of the dense forests, crystal clear lakes, tiny snowy locations, and even ski slopes can be enjoyed!

The top student Cities that are home to the highest-ranking universities in Canada for international students are:

  • Montreal
  • Toronto
  • Vancouver
  • Quebec City
  • Edmonton


Popular Courses to Study in Canada from Nepal

With 26 of Canada’s institutions listed among the top universities in the world by QS Rankings 2020, the quality of education in Canada is internationally recognized and highly regarded by students around the world. Part-time jobs are also available in Canada.
Furthermore, Canada’s research and development efforts are prolific and consistent, allowing it to be recognized as a global leader.
Studying in Canada presents you with a plethora of opportunities. One of them is the diversity of courses available.
Some of the most popular are as follows:

  • Busines Management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Health and Medicine
  • Interior Design
  • Media and Journalism


English Proficiency Exam to Study in Canada

To study in Canada from Nepal, English language scores must be submitted. International English tests such as the PTE, TOEFL, SAT, GRE, or IELTS frequently need the application process. To apply to a Canadian university, every international student should take one of the famous English examinations. Nepal Dream Educational Consultancy Pvt. Ltd, we provide English proficiency tutoring to assist Nepalese students in performing well on English language tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE.

Do you want to enroll in an English Test Coaching Class in order to study in Canada? Simply complete the form below. Our teachers will contact you.


Preparing for study – a step-by-step guide
to the application & visa process

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign Up  And Speak With An Education Counselor
  2. With Our Assistance, Apply to Institutions (We Have Great Working Relationships With Every One Of Them)
  3. Take an English Exam (IELTS, SAT, TOEFL or PTE)
  4. Obtain an Institutional Offer Letter
  5. Gather Student Visa Paperwork
  6. Pay for Tuition and Ecoe 
  7. Lodge Medical Visa 
  8. Collect Visa Grant Letter

5 Great Reasons to Study in Canada from Nepal

There are many advantages of studying in Australia from Nepal and here’s the top 5:

It’s a high-tech country with lots of focus on world-leading research and development

They enjoy a safe, welcoming environment and a high standard of living

Two main languages are spoken, English and French, giving you an opportunity to develop your language skills

Natural wonders abound – from incredible arboreal forests, to mountain ranges, rivers and lakes

It’s one of the best places in the world to live, with great healthcare, job opportunities, top universities in the world and a stable government

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